Illustrator. Writer. Storyteller.
Letterer. Animator. Collector.



Soft Things


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Illustrator. Writer. Storyteller.
Letterer. Animator. Collector.

Illustrator. Writer. Storyteller. Letterer. Animator.

A conglomerate of order and chaos, Lexi K. explores magic in mundane moments to create soft spaces to land. With a keen sense for sophisticated whimsy, her work reflects the wonder and joy found amidst the small moments of the everyday.

Passion projects like Jane Was Here (Hardie Grant UK) and Dogs I Met in the Elevator (MFA Thesis) demonstrate Lexi’s love for connection to the spaces she fills and shares with others. From travel to petting strangers’ dogs, she is inspired by serendipitous encounters with life and the shared human experience. Lexi is open for commission, if you’d like to work together, please do get in touch!