I'm a picture book maker, surface designer, and maker of many things on a journey to build a creative practice that brings more confidence, joy, and connection to everyday moments. You want that too? I send out weekly emails with goodies like art tips + tricks, tutorials, occasional promotions, and insights into building more creativity into the everyday. I'd love to share with you!

Oct 02 • 1 min read

It's Wonders-Day! Winning and learning, never losing...

Hey, Reader! Happy Wednesday:) Today I'm sharing one of my favorite mantras that always helps me to take a deep breath, reframe, and reset the way I see my work so that I can give it the most heart possible and grow in the process... I feel like the queen of standing at the starting line with binoculars, looking too far ahead, feeling daunted by all the failure that might ensue, and then not starting at all. I think I've probably mentioned this sentiment on previous newsletters, but I...