I'm a picture book maker, surface designer, and maker of many things on a journey to build a creative practice that brings more confidence, joy, and connection to everyday moments. You want that too? I send out weekly emails with goodies like art tips + tricks, tutorials, occasional promotions, and insights into building more creativity into the everyday. I'd love to share with you!

Aug 28 • 3 min read

It's Wonders-Day! Here's how I've created my space as a source of inspiration...

Happy Wednesday, Reader:) Lately I've been thinking a lot about how big of an impact spaces can have on our creativity and thought it might be fun to do a little studio tour! Come take a peek at my creative space and learn how I've curated my workspace to be an evergreen source of inspiration. When I was little, I watched my Interior Designer mom collect mail-order home catalogues + magazines and sort them in an array of "inspiration binders" (this was pre-Pinterest;). Through her design...